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A network for urban creativity

In order to launch this awareness-raising campaign, INWARD began a dialogue with the protagonists of the urban creativity phenomenon, building the first Italian network of UCAs, currently involving 40 Urban Creativity Associations in 15 regions of Italy.

During meetings held in several Italian cities, the UCAs shared their experiences with local policymakers, offering them immediate and direct knowledge of the local creative and organizational potential, and signed their subscription to the Technical Table on Urban Creativity, as announced by the Italian Ministry of Youth at the beginning of the campaign.  
During almost a year, by means of events or conferences, the Do the Writing! campaign was successfully brought to the Campania, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Piedmont, Apulia, Liguria, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sicily and Lombardy regions of Italy, by means of its signatory UCAs: Evoluzioni, Bereshit, 400ml, Thinks, Tinte Forti, Romagna in Fiore, A3D, Artefacto, Monkeys Evolution, Il Cerchio e le Gocce, Style Orange, Kaleidos, Artefice, Duevventi, Ologram, Infart, Macross, Graphia, ISA, Tribù dell’Indice, Xpression.

In 2010, the Stampa Alternativa publishing house produced a special book on this important season of urban creativity in Italy.
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