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July 4, 2010
DTW Sicilia, Sala Gialla del Comune di Caltanissetta

"Do the Writing! L'Associazionismo per la Creatività Urbana in Sicilia" was an event held at the Sala Gialla of the Municipality of Caltanissetta, managed and imlemented by the UCA Graphia, within the wider “Graffiti Heart” project. Other UCAs, Evoluzioni (Campania), Kaleidos (Apulia) and Friends (Abruzzo) were present, under the auspice and with the greetings of Hon. Alessandro Pagano, of the Mayor of Caltanissetta, Michele Campisi, and of the Vice-Mayor, Responsible for Youth Policies, Simona Campanella.

logo Graphia

“The goal of our Association is that of giving a new value to graffiti, on the aesthetic, artistic and cultural side, in order to show public opinion the true value of such a form of art. This is a watershed for both Sicily and Sicilian writers, as they have been, for many years, simple spectators of what was happening beyond the Messina Straits. They now have the opportunity to show that in Sicily too there is urban creativity and that there are many young artists willing to express themselves in ful compliance with the lawfulness”.

Graphia will join the Technical Table on Urban Creativity

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